Let's Go Surfing Now

Man, all this almost super nice weather has given me the urge to go surfing. No, I don't have a surf board. No, I can't afford one. No, I can't surf, but whats that got to do with anything.
I starting surfing last summer on Long Island. The Island is probably the worst place in America, but I was only 15 minutes from a really nice beach. My boy Troy and I would wake up at 5 and go surf before clinic. It is seriously the most fun thing I think I have ever done. I only actually got up three times, and that in itself is such a feeling of accomplishment.
Have you ever seen an unhappy surfer, cause I haven't. I think it might just be impossible to surf and have a bad time...unless you get eaten by a shark or stung by a Portegese Man O War.
Troy is from a surfing family, been doing it all his life and he is crazy good. Troy, if you ever read this, your the man.
Anyway, I really want to start again. Maybe on weekends, or maybe we could go real early in the morning, leave around 4 and just rock out baby. If anyone is interested, let me know.
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