
This is a tree I bought two years ago at the Home Depot for $1 on Arbor Day. During the winter in turned pretty brown and I thought it was done for. One week in the nice spring sun brought back the color. I need to wire it up, hopefully this weekend.
This is a Juniper, again from the Hope Depot. I put it in this pot about two weeks ago, which is always a risky endeavor. Repotting involves taking the tree out of its old pot and cutting back the roots. You can see some browning at the tips of the branches, but I think she will be okay.
This guy is a Chinese Elm I believe. It was a present and I would estimate it at about 10 years old. You can kind of see the buds about to open. I don't really know what I am going to do with this tree style wise. I think I want to make it an umbrella style, but it is harder than I thought it would be.

This is a maple tree I found in the woods behind my house last year. I think it is about 3-4 years old. I think it is going to be very pretty someday, but has a good 5 years to mature before styling. Notice the two branches sticking out of the soil toward the left. These were clipping I cut at the end of last fall and just stuck them in like that to see what would happen. Well they have buds on them and look like they may be dug out at some point and made into separate trees. I think I have to do this sooner than later so the roots don't get tangled with the main tree. I am excited to try this form of propagation with some of my other trees and may even go around next fall and make cuttings of trees I like. We'll see what happens.

This is mystery tree. I dug this one up back in the woods three years ago. I don't know what type it is, but I really like the trunk. Last year the leaves were a little bigger than bonsai leaves should be, so I may try to cut them all off at some point and see if they grow back smaller (which they should).

This is some type of elm tree I believe. I am excited at how many buds have opened already. I bought this at the Home Depot last year as a bonsai tree. It was first in my office window but dropped all its leaves so I put it outside and it came right back. This will be a good one!
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