A real doctor's doctor

So I have a lump in my ingunial region. For those who don't know, that is around the groin, not an area to be fooled around with. So it has started hurting a little more each day for several day and I cannot tell if it is a hernia or a swollen lymph node. Being a doctor, I know that if it is a hernia, it should hurt more when I bend over, cough, sneeze, or strain to use the bathroom. These findings are know as Dejeriene's Triad. If I were to put my thumb in my mouth and blow on it like I was blowing up a balloon and it increased the pain, I would have a positive Valsalva's Test. If either or both of these are positive, it could mean herniation or buldging disc. The pain comes from increasing the interthecal pressure, but as I said I had neither of these findings.
Lymph nodes are responsible for cleaning the blood and are a vital part of the immune system. Each area of the body is cleaned by particular lymph nodes, the ingunial lymph nodes are responsible for the lower extremity. Usually lymph nodes don't just swell up without a reason such as an infection, but I have no other signs or symptoms.

So I go to the doctor's office because the possible diagnoses are a hernia, which can lead to strangulation of the small intestine leading to sepsis leading to me freakin dying out of nowhere, and lymphadenopathy, which can be from testicle cancer, lymphoma, and many other serious things. I drop my pants, and the doctor agrees it's not a hernia, right place but the lack of positive tests and palpation of the area say not so much. I tell him a have a similar lump on the other side, but it is not swollen. He palpates that and tells me my diagnosis is "swollen lymph nodes of an unknown origin." He writes me a script for generic antibiotics and tells me if it gets worse come back. No blood test, no examining me for any CAUSE of an infection, just guess work and watch and wait.
Freakin waste of $50 is what it is.
At 9:54 AM ,
Anonymous said...
it makes me look back on my life and realize that society looks up to doctors for the answer and the answer they give has to be right because there are no other places to go for an answer. its kinda funny if you think about it, because we look back on the crazy 'elixers' and 'frontal lobotomy' and all that stuff that back then really was the answer and people were like 'my doctor will tell me what to do and i'll be ok' and they drank some crap or got their brain blended and that was the thing to do. i'm convinced that its a never ending cycle where we will look back on medicine as we know it now in 50 years and be like 'what the fuck were they thinking creating super bugs and sticking hardware inside people's spines'
At 4:56 AM ,
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