Duba vs inanimate objects

Have you ever seen a grown man run full speed into a fire hydrant, cause I have, and its FREAKIN AWESOME!!!
Back when I was at TCNJ, we would have the most kickass parties and my hometown friends would come up quite often. I can't exactly remember when it was, but Duba and I were outside of my track house and he turns to me and says "want to see me run into that tree"? I was, obviously, like "hell yes I want to see you run into that tree!" Duba hands me his beer, and I'm thinking he is going to run up to the tree and fakingly smash into it. Nope, he runs full speed into the tree, almost like he closed his eyes and didn't know the tree was there.
Guess what, the tree, a huge old oak, did not move. Duba falls over with cuts to his face, stands up and goes "Duba vs inanimate objects...Round 1...tree wins". My TCNJ buddies now think me and my friends are insane, but they love it, cause come on, who doesn't love to see someone run full speed into things.
Duba then carefully picks out his next opponent, a "No Parking" street sign. Duba was running so fast that we thought he might almost bend the sign a little. Nope, the green metal post wobbled for a second, but that was all and Duba ended up face down on the street's concrete. Duba then proceeds to the fire hydrant with the same results.
As a doctor, it would make sense that the brain would not allow the body to perform these stunts. Possibly the Autonomic Nervous System would kick in and save the body from harm, but Duba always was a wonder, and never won the battle versus inanimate objects.
At 8:34 AM ,
The Duba said...
Don't forget about the handicap match between Duba versus Gravi T and the Ground. Duba mounted a tree (a former inanimate foe), and jumped off. First Duba took on Gravity by flapping Duba's arms as if to fly. Unfortunately, Gravi T got the upper hand and soon the Ground would take over. Duba accepted the fact that the Ground was a fresh opponent that just got the "hot tag" and took it in on at full pace. Duba crashed to the ground and it was over. Duba - 0 Gravi T and the Ground - 1.
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