The Garden Club

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

War and Peace

I am about half way through "War and Peace". Its a long book. A huge part of the plot is the Russian aristocrats. All they do is party. They have fetes, parties, socials, and surreas (sp? its french). There parties are pretty lame due to the social rules of the time. A man can't be alone with a woman unless they are married, you must always address everybody the proper way, you don't talk bad about the Tsar. These people don't work and own entire communities, with the rights of punishment, taxes, and work schedules. They all have servants, which are pretty much slaves, and are called princes and princesses and countess, and countesses. This upper class is ultimately run by the Tsar, Alexander. He really doesn't know what he is doing and seems swept up in being a celebrity. Because of a few miscommunication between Alexander and Napoleon, Napoleon is leading his army, the greatest power in Europe, across Poland and into Russia.

Things are about to go bad in Moscow as the French army has just crossed into Russian territory. The families in the book are still merry making but if you know your history you know what is going to happen.

I can't believe so much has happened and I'm only half way done. Whew.


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