Budda vs. Jesus...TO THE EXTREME

WARNING...this blog is pointless and should not be read by anyone.
Okay, okay so I've been slacking on the old blog. I have been a busy man of late, busy with hackneyed details I will not bore you with. What to talk about...let's see... my infinite ray theory? Nah, too complicated. My increasing dislike for "my space"? No, too uncomplicated. Running the business...I don't think I know a whole lot about this yet, so I'll save it for another day when I do. Awesome, I have run out of ideas... so...um...i like the new wawa coffee cups. They are black. I met a Buddhist today, that was pretty cool. He told me all about Buddhism (which I have read three books on, but I liked to hear someone else describe the details so I played dumb). I had, however, no idea there was a lady Buddha, or the white Buddha. She apparently appears when people are in trouble and brings comfort and peace. I think he said someone has a videotape of her in California from 1996, but I could have misunderstood that part. Anyway, I'm glad I still believe in God. Despite all the stupidity surrounding him, its a nice feeling to think their was a creator with a purpose, its peaceful. I have started to think religion is like Greek Mythology...stories to explain what we don't understand. The Greeks had stories to explain everything from fire to disease to birth, life, and death. When science came along, it explained all those things and the stories were no longer needed. Science, however, has yet to clarify good vs. evil and so we keep religion around to help us understand those two concepts. Sure, people have screwed it up just like they do everything, but that doesn't make the premise wrong. The more I learn about string theory, the more my belief in God is confirmed, but it seems like it would be the opposite. The smaller we go, the more we see that things are NOT disorganized, in fact, they appear to be super organized, almost like it was all made that way. The truth is I don't know and I think that anyone who says they do should not be lisented to, but I hope I'm right.
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