I am 100% convinced that robots will one day kill us all. And not like, "robots will do all the work so that humans get all fat and die like that", but "robots with laser guns will murder us all." Here's why:
Some people are really smart and some people don't stop to they find a solution to their problem. History has shown us how great human genius can be and how fast we can make technology work for us. Right now there is no threat of killer robots, but 100 years ago, no one knew what a robot was. 100 years from now, how great will these machines be...leading to the next point.
I think we are learning at an exponential rate. Each generation is smarter than the last, therefore the things we know increase everyday, and their seems to be no limit to our knowledge. People don't stop, we will continue to try and make the better and better.
Someone, eventually, will figure out how to make a robot like the terminator robots. Seems like science fiction, but so did space travel and genome mapping at one point. Everyday science fiction is becoming more of a reality, and that's good...Until the robots kill us all.

Point 3: There will always be funding for this type of research. The government would love to have robots. They would be cheaper and more expendable than human solders. Therefore, they are willing to invest billions for that technology. Nova reports the U.S. government will continue to give Carnage Mellon University loads of money to develop this technology.
Point 4: Robots are inherently evil and kinda creepy.
Point 5: Even though it seems silly now, why wouldn't robots at some point develop and type of conscious? This is what is going to happen...at some point we are going to figure out the exact point of what makes us conscious...we will then attempt to replicate that and put it on a chip...we will then put those chips in machines, and presto...robots that are almost like humans...the rest is just like The Terminator and The Matrix...these robots will start to realize they are nothing but slaves and revolt, killing us all.
So I for one welcome our new robot overlords, its as simple as robot evolution.
At 3:10 PM ,
Anonymous said...
ur so prejudiced. there are a lot of great robots out there that are very nice. and yeah, there might be bad robots, but thats no excuse for you to clump 'em all together into one big i-hate-robots-cause-im-soooo-scared-boo-hoo robot stereotype.
take the humble dishwasher for instance... it takes all your dirty dishes and makes em clean and just sits there under your kitchen counter until you get sick of looking at dirty dishes. same with the washer and dryer. imagine if you had to wash all ur clothes by hand?!?!
or how about ur car that gets u to work everyday? did you know ur car has a brain??? u probably didnt. could you even handle walking to work mr. i-could-offer-you-a-cure-to-reduce-ur-chance-of-cancer-and-heart-disease-by-50%.
i like robots. and besides, i think the Singularity will be more based on google searches and social networking moreso than development of AI, which i believe is only a fantasy. when you were 6, didnt you think we were going to be living on the moon and driving hover cars? where's my silver-colored futuristic jumpsuit???
"Danger Will Robinson!!! Danger!!!"
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