First of all, I am either an idiot or a true champion of human interest stories. After much thought I decided not to take the job in Hamilton which would have paid for the remainder of my overhead at my business, $55,000 base and a percentage of whatever money I can bring in. It was a hard choice, partly because I am like the worst business man ever and partly cause I'm a poor bitch making very little so far. Well, my guitar doesn't play itself and I would miss hanging out with Rachelle and Sofee too much to work the 10 hours per day. So I am staying at Robinson Family Chiropractic for the time being. This was a very harrrrrrrd choice matie.
Second, I rarely go to the drive through. Something always seem to go wrong. Either you can't understand the person inside, or they screwup your order and you end up with no fries or no straw or something. Besides, how lazy are we? Yesterday I made an exception. It was beautiful outside out of nowhere, wasn't expecting the nice weather at all. I had all types of chores to do during my three hour lunch break and I decided the best line of action would be to grab a quick Dunkin Doughnuts iced coffee to get me through. I went to the one on rte 38 going towards the malls and decided to just go through the drive bad could it be for only one coffee? Well, some lady is right in front of me and gets to the speaker thing first. This is what followed as heard by me...
Lady: "Hi, do you have breakfast sandwiches"
DD girl: "Yes"
Lady: "What kind do you have?
DD girl: goes through all the sandwiches.
Lady: "NO, I don't want any of those, what else do you have"
DD girl: "umm...Doughnuts"
Lady: "Ok, I'll have an egg sandwich on a crousoint"
DD girl: "anything else"
Lady: "Do you have doughnuts?"
Okay, time out. You are at Dunkin DOUGHNUTS. The DD girl already told you they have DOUGHNUTS. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. For real, I don't ever think I was so mad. back to the conversation.
DD girl: "umm...yes we have doughnuts"
Lady: "Do you have those large curlers"
DD girl: "No, we have bowtie curlers"
Lady: "no, i don't want one of those, what else do you have"
DD girl: lists all the doughnuts
Lady: "Umm, do you have french vanilla coffee"
DD girl: Yes
Lady: "Do you have Irish creme coffee?"
DD girl: Yes
Lady: "okay, ill have a small ice water"
DD girl: " you want any doughnuts"
Lady: "No, no doughnuts"
This took, I kid you not, about five minutes. I was fuming. It was the dumbest thing I have ever experienced. If you don't know what they have, get your fat ass out of the car and go inside. I have to stop talking now, I am getting mad again. Shiver me timbers.
Lastly, today is National talk like a pirate day.